Html/Css Programming

Introduction To Html

Q: What is Html?

A: Html is technically Not at programming Language. It is a Markup Language

Q: What Uses Html?

A: Html is used to create webpages. Like This (Clicking this link will download a Html file to your computer. When it is finished downloading you can delete it after you are done reading.)

What You Need to Start Programming

 I would suggest the free version of Sublime Text Editor (v.3) This should Work For all OS But for the more advanced Linux users you can use NANO.

Project One

    So now that you have all the knowledge you need to start this project we will begin.
Step 1: Open your text editor of choice
Step 2: Create a New file named Project_One.html
Step 3: Type ->
#The blue is what you use for every tag you can write in html
<!DOCTYPE html>
#The dark red font is the title for each command.
<title>Project One</title>
# To close a tag you must have this standard format ->> </XXX> 
<h1>Your Name</h1>
# what is # and what does it do to the code
<p>Hello There Friends!!!</p>


So now that we have this chunk of code in front of us what does it all mean? Lets break down the code into bits we can understand. I will be using the Pound sign (#) When you use a Pound sign it makes comments. Things that the computer ignores. You use comments to explain functions and or explain errors with lines of code.

# This must come first so that the computer understands that it is starting the program now
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
# If you have the file open in your web browser in the top right it will say "Project One" on the tab
<title>Project One</title>
# This is telling the computer that there is something contained here. (Becomes more important when using Css with Html)

# <h1> is short for Header 1 it is like the bold text "Project One"
<h1>Your Name</h1>
# <p> is short for paragraph. it contains anything from paragraphs to large sentences
<p>Hello The<br>re Friends!!!</p>


So how many of you have caught the <br>? What does it Do? Play around with it see what happens.

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